Talk to a 7-11 Cashier, Pay with Cards, and Ask for Utensils
Text translation
Challenge: Listen while following the translation all the way through
(Mark took a chicken thigh bento and a milk tea in a 7-11, and is going to paying now)
Cashier: Hello! You can pay here (at this counter)!
(Mark walks over to the counter)
Cashier: Do you want the bento and the milk tea to be heated?
Mark: Yes, thank you.
Cashier: Do you want utensils?
Mark: Yes, thank you.
Cashier: Do you have a membership?
Mark: No. And I want to pay with card.
Cashier: Ok, do you have a digital receipt carrier?
Mark: No.
Cashier: I’ll print out the receipt for you then.
Do you need a copy of the credit card voucher?
Mark: Yes, thank you.
Cashier: Ok, microwaving you’d need to wait for a bit.
Mark: Ok, thank you. Can you give me a straw?
Cashier: Ok, here it is.
(The bento is ready in the microwave)
Cashier: Your bento is ready. Be careful it’s hot.
Mark: Ok, thank you.
Cashier: do you need a bag?
Mark: no need, thank you.
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