Chat about Weather in Different Places and Seasons


Text translation

Challenge: Listen while following the translation all the way through

(Xiǎoměi came to Kaohsiung to travel. She arranged to meet her Taiwanese friend Āzhōng at a restaurant.)

In the restaurant...

Xiǎoměi: It’s so hot today!

Āzhōng: Yeah, the summer in Kaohsiung is really hot. Every day is a sunny day.

Xiǎoměi: How did you get here just now?

Āzhōng: I rode a scooter earlier. How about you?

Xiǎoměi: I took an Uber. I didn’t want to walk outside—it’s too hot!

Āzhōng: Even though I rode a scooter, I still sweat a lot.

Xiǎoměi: I think summer in the US isn’t this hot.

Āzhōng: Although summer in Taiwan is hotter than in the US, winter in Taiwan isn’t as cold as in the US.

Xiǎoměi: Yes, winters in the US are really cold. Snowy days are also troublesome.

Āzhōng: But I think snow is beautiful. Does it rain often in the US?

Xiǎoměi: It doesn’t rain often in the city where I live.

Āzhōng: It rains a lot in Taipei, but Kaohsiung rains less often.

Xiǎoměi: Do you like Kaohsiung’s weather?

Āzhōng: I think it’s not bad. Even though it’s sometimes too hot, I still think it’s better than Taipei.

Xiǎoměi: I don’t handle heat well, so I still prefer the weather in the US.

Āzhōng: What’s your favorite season?

Xiǎoměi: I like autumn in the US the most. The colors of the maple leaves are very beautiful.

Āzhōng: There aren’t many maple trees in Taiwan. If I get the chance, I’d love to see the autumn scenery in the US.

Xiǎoměi: It’s really beautiful! You’re welcome to visit.

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